Friday, February 14, 2014


For the past week the words FINE CHINA have been on my mind. Usually when something like that strikes me I’ll sit and jot notes here and there and finally come up with whatever is lurking in the small spaces of my brain. But, there’s been nothing to jot. No scribble. No notes. So since I can’t sleep let’s see where God takes this journal.

Not long ago I was fussing about how I needed to buy some dishes. Don’t get me wrong, I have dishes. If that’s what you want to call them. I have the cheap plastic type microwaveable ones. I know you know exactly what I’m talking about, don't you???!

It’s just me in my house so I really didn’t “need” dishes but wanted something a little decent just in case I had company for dinner. In unpacking, I came across the box that had the china in it that my parents received when they got married. It had been in this box for a very long time. So I got it out and began washing each piece.

As I washed each piece I decided that I wasn’t going to put it back in a box to be stored, nor was I going to put it in a cabinet to be on display. I was going to use it. And I was going to use it daily.

Yes, it’s old. Yes, it’s delicate. And yes, I’ll probably break a few pieces before it’s said and done. It has gold around the rim and it can’t be put in the microwave. Something I need to remember since everything I own is plastic and microwaveable.

I said I was going to use it and I have been. :-)  
Each time I use it I notice that I’m a little more careful in how I place it in the sink or what I toss in the sink if I know a piece is already in there. It’s extremely delicate and I would hate to break even one piece. But, I know me and it’s sure to happen sooner or later.

I can’t think of one reason why I shouldn’t use it. If I had it on display I’m not sure I would get it down for a special occasion or if company was coming over.
In fact, I know I wouldn’t. Simply because I’m lazy. I wouldn't want to get it down, wash it, dry it and figure out what gets placed where. So, I’ve decided that it’s going to be used every day, because every day is a special occasion.

I’m just like my fine china. I’m used every day, by God. He doesn’t place me on a shelf and get me down for a special occasion. He has me ready to go each and every day. He has me ready to serve anyone that might need to be fed. It doesn’t matter who they are; rich/poor, short/tall, black/white, fat/skinny ~~~~~~~~He uses ME!! 
How special is that?

After He uses me to deliver His bountiful blessing, He gently washes me with His mercy and grace and prepares me for the next person. I never know how, when or where He intends to use me next and I’ll never ask. I’m just simply His fine china and I am used daily to serve others what He has prepared.


I’ll forever be His fine china & He will forever be my valentine! ♥



This is an actual picture of the china, given to my parents on their wedding day, that I use daily.

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