Thursday, October 24, 2013

Unknown Path

Unknown Path

Can you hear it? I hear it but do not see it. It grows louder and louder but still no where in sight. The train whistle.
Can you hear it now?
I know that train is on the tracks with a destination unknown to me. Trains comes through here several times a day. Each on its own journey. A destination. But they are bound, with the whistle blowing, to arrive on schedule. When they come to the area of the track where there are choices the conductor chooses which track will take the train in the direction in which it should travel. By a simple flip of a switch.
But is it that simple? A simple flip of a switch? The answer to the day old question….where do I go from here?

We are the train. God is the conductor. The whistle is our cry out. We cry out to let all know our fears of the unknown path. God  knows the path. He has chosen it for us. A path to prosper us and not to harm us. (Jerm 29:11)

Sometimes God will take you down the path that you wanted just to show you it was not the path that you needed.
