Thursday, September 19, 2013



Complete and whole hearted devotion. That is dedication. Think about that for a moment. Who has that? Who can truly say they have complete and whole hearted devotion?

Well, I experienced that this past weekend at a gigantic flea market. How do those vendors do it? How do they go to these festivals day in day out, weekend in weekend out, setting up, unpacking, packing and taking their prize possession with them to the next event? I stand amazed!
THAT, my friends, is dedication!

I saw everything you could imagine being sold. Bubble gum to antique furniture. I, myself, found a beautiful vase. Yes, I bought it. I saw so many things I wanted to buy, but refrained. Glenn, on the other hand, went with a list of things in mind. He found everything he had on his list. It was a treat to watch him in his element of search. That, too, was dedication. He didn’t just buy the first thing he saw. He actually had a little notebook and wrote down where he saw it and then he continued to search to see if he could find something he liked better.  In some cases he did and in some cases we went back for items. My vase was one we went back for. I can proudly say I purchased it with particular flowers in mind and together they look beautiful. My entire investment… $7.

Im still mesmerized by the dedication of the vendors. How on earth do they do it? Bartering, and ready to make a deal. But to do it day in and day out…no way I could be a vendor like that. Im selfish and enjoy my weekend way to much to sit in the hot humid weather, watching people digging through my items to find their prize possession.

When you stop to think about it…what would you say you are dedicated to with complete and whole hearted devotion?



Monday, September 2, 2013


Driving this morning I was so inspired by all the colors of the scenery. Every cloud, every ray of sunshine, every green field, every yellow or white lily, fields of purple flowers....but my favorite, which caused me to pull over on the side of the road, was an Amish man working on training a horse. I sat parked just in awe of the beauty of the animal and the patience of his teacher. The horse was unbridled and being a bit stubborn. But when the man placed the bridle on, the structure of the bridle seemed to bring comfort to the horse and allowed him to be a bit more focused. It was as though that beautiful horse knew discipline of the bridle brought focus and he was ready to obey his teacher.

As I drove away my mind drifted to the thought....How are we any different? When we are unbridled we seem to become unfocused. We do things on our own, at our pace, our will, we speak without thought and we don't follow or do what we are truly "lead" to do. But, with the guidance of the bridle we have no choice to bring our focus back.

When we surrender and place the bridle on, we become focused on our Teacher. His word. His command. It is then that we learn to become more disciplined to follow Him, trust Him, believe His word and realize He loves us.

My morning was beautifully blessed with the sight of the horse and his teacher. Most importantly, my Teacher sent a clear message to follow, trust, believe and know He loves me.

May you be incredibly blessed today!

Bo Hayth



I've been still for a few days, pondering over something I read. Not sure how I feel on the matter. Do I get angry at the ignorance of the comment or do I just sit back and watch, listen, read and ponder on what everyone thinks.

Recently, I read where a comment was made about the many pictures bombarding a social media website of children holding pictures saying, "1000 likes and I'll beat cancer." Or a child holding a picture saying "I've kicked cancers butt."

The comment made was similar in saying...."No sign is ever going to make a child better so why encourage them to hold it up, take a picture and post it." The first thought I had was, "This guys a jerk!"  But, in a sense is he blessed? 

Blessed that he doesn't have a son or daughter who is fighting with a struggle over a non curable disease such as cancer. A child who doesn't scream out in pain as they are getting injections after injections, having a new port put in because the old one was worn out. A child who isn't puking their guts up from the chemo and who has little strength to hold their head up off the pillow from the radiation. A child who is not sick, whom he doesn't have to watch whither away and there is not one thing that Father or Mother can do to take the pain away from their child.

I do not know the man who made the comment. But my heart cries out for him. I praise God that if he has children may they always be healthy. And if he doesn't have children, then one day when he does, may they always be healthy.

Those of us who have children have heard the words, "Mommy, please make the pain stop. Pleeaasseee, make it stop." And as our eyes fill with tears we reply, " I wish I could, honey." All while praying, begging, and pleading to God...."take this from my child and put it on me. Please God, help.  I will give you my life, just please take this horrible thing away from my child."

So, the way I see it.....these children battle the cancer demon day in and day out. If taking a picture of them holding a sign saying "I beat cancer" or "If I can get 1000 likes I can beat cancer"...then let me get my camera and take a picture of a smiling child in that very moment. Cancer takes the lives of so many children...that might just be their last smile. If I had to take a picture of me holding a sign would say, "I'M PRAYING FOR YOU!"  What would your sign say?

I am blessed with a child who does not have an incurable disease. But my heart breaks for the families who struggles, day in and day out, that I cant even fathom.


This is dedicated to all the families who struggle with the battle of cancer.