Tuesday, November 26, 2013


As I put my pen to paper, close my eyes, I give to you my heart, mind & soul. May I become the vessel that is able to deliver a message to just one person through the journals of my heart…
Let it be for your Glory!!!

For so long I’ve refrained from writing. I convinced myself I wasn’t good enough. I was unworthy.  
Now that’s a word, isn't it?!?! A word that I have spoken many times, not just where writing is concerned… but in many realms of my life.

I’ve said it about learning new things.
I’ve said it about new relationships.
I’ve said it about falling in love.
I’ve said it about receiving love.
I’ve said it about being a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend.
I’ve even said it about following Christ.
I am guilty.

It’s a word that is like smoke. The smallest amount of smoke will fill an entire room in seconds. You instantly smell it. 

Speaking the word unworthy is much of the same. As soon as it’s even thought, before you ever speak it, it has consumed your entire mind.
And it's far from the truth.

I am worthy!!
Worthy of learning new things.
Worthy of new relationships.
Worthy of falling in love.
Worthy of being loved.
Worthy as a mother, daughter, sister, friend.
Worthy of not only following Christ but sharing His Word and His Promises of love with others.

So let me pray this again….

As I put my pen to the paper, close my eyes, I give to you my heart, mind & soul. May I become the vessel that is able to deliver a message to just one person through the journals of my heart because…I am worthy!  Let it be for your Glory!!!


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