Monday, August 24, 2015

Just Bloom!

It seems so easy to conform to this world and the things around us. Our friends buy a new house or new car and we quickly compare what they have to what we have. In that moment, that hour, that day, that week…we think about, even dwell upon the thoughts of “we aren’t good enough because we don’t have -------.”

So easily we begin to compare ourselves. Our lives and our possessions to that of which our neighbors have. In that split second we become focused on not what we have been blessed with but what we want. 

Is it really – what we have isn’t good enough? Or is it….the bigger, the newer the better we have the happier we will be?
I am so guilty!
I complain.
I compare.
Unlike a flower that never compares itself to another flower. It just blooms.

I have wilted.

I’m constantly being convicted of not being content with the riches I have. And yet I lose sight of the many blessing God has bestowed upon me.

Recently I heard someone say “It’s easy to be content in the highs of life.”
Oh….that’s so true!!!!
Yet, when the lows of life appear we instantly lose sight of Phil 4:19 which tells us that God shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
He will supply our needs!

Maybe – all in all – it’s not the “things” we aren’t content with. Maybe it’s our heart.
Our hearts and minds are not set on the things of above but on the things of this World. (Col 3:2)

A Kingdom Mindset!!


If my mind and heart are set on the above how could I ever want for anything on this Earth?
He will supply My needs. With a Kingdom mindset I shall receive His Kingdom.
What more could a girl want?

Forgive me Father…..
I shall become the flower that does not compare herself to others flowers. I shall…Just Bloom.

I will be content in whatever state you have me.


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