Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chasing Lightening Bugs

The days have been steamy hot with, little to, no breeze. Last night, I was pleasantly surprised by the temperature when I took my dogs outside to play. As one of my 
fur-babies rolled in the grass the other played ball. I believe they, too, were happy to welcome the break of intense heat.

Then, something caught my eye. It was a flash. No, it’ was a small flicker of light in the field behind my house. I experienced one of those moments where you see or hear something and you hold your breath and try not to move until it happens again. And, then, there it was again. And again! And again! Little flickers of fluorescent lights, everywhere.


It had been many, many years since I’d seen lightening bugs lighting up the dark like that. I was tickled with excitement. As I sat and watched the light show I reflected back on memories from my childhood. I remembered the joy I had as a little girl just knowing that as the sun began to settle down there, without a doubt, would be thousands of flickering lights for me to run and chase, in hopes of catching. I would see the light, run to it and do everything in my power to catch it. And even though I’d go right to the light, I’d never see the bug unless it was lit up.

Are you old enough to remember those simple days of summer? Can you hear the belly laughter from your inner child and feel the excitement within?

What if? Just, what if…..we chased after God like he was a lightening bug? The excitement! The laughter! Just the joy in knowing He is your faithful light in the field of darkness and He is there even when you don’t see Him.

He is that little flicker of light that brings hope.
He is waiting for us to chase after him with childlike faith and allow Him to light up our world.
What are you waiting for?



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