Sunday, January 5, 2014


As I pull back the curtain there lays a winter wonderland right outside my window. A masterpiece of bright white powder. There are no animal paw prints. No human footsteps. Just a blanket of white. Everywhere. Massive quantities of white, wet powder. Snow!

As I watch, the flakes seem like rain falling from the sky. As though there is a pillow fight amongst the angels. The scene I see is amazing. There are not even words that can truly describe it. It’s everywhere. On the ground, bunching on the limbs of the trees, through the woods, it is an endless picture of white. And on top of the snow seems to be a sparkly residue glittering and dancing for my entertainment. Frost!

It’s beautiful. It makes me feel as though God has sent me a personal masterpiece of a message saying…you are pure. You are white as snow. Nothing can stain you. You are my sparkling child. You shall dance with grace.

Psalm 147:16 says….He sends snow white as wool; He scatters frost upon the ground like ashes.

Nothing can stain me. Not even my sins. Because His promise is to wash away sin. He died for MY sins. For YOUR sins. And He sends this beautiful reminder of the pure white snow.

Yet, we manipulate the snow. Not giving one thought of the disturbance we bring to it’s beauty. Sin is the manipulation. We trample it. We disrupt the glorious white picture that God has created for us. We go day in and day out manipulating the masterpiece until is it stained. No longer sparkling white and dancing with glitter. But now it’s grimey, dirty, and slushy looking. We manipulate it so we can make our way through the treacherous path with comfort…without ever looking up and giving praise. We no longer care to look at the sight of the once pure scene because, the beauty is gone. Sin overtook the picture perfect view.

Yet, there is still hope. Hope that washes away our sin.

Psalm 51:7
Purify me of my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Although we lost sight of the beauty that lies within, God has not. We manipulated the masterpiece. Yet, He continues to promise to make us pure. He never fails us.

Isaiah 1:18
“Come now let’s settle this,” says the Lord.” Though your sins are like scarlet I will wash them white as snow. Though they are red like crimson; I will make them white like wool.”

How can we deny such a precious gift of love? No other love is greater than the love of our Heavenly Father and His promises. There is no other God that can wash away our sin and make us pure as the white snow.

So, my flesh shall ask for the forgiveness of my sins as I await the beauty of another arriving snowfall. Another beautiful sign, from God, that I can be made pure.

I deserve nothing. As I fall into the realm of manipulation, time and time again.



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